I've settled in life way too many times to count. I have been blessed with so many amazing opportunities but I stayed where I was, idling, waiting to go back in time somehow to when life was easier. Letting God blessed opportunity pass me by only made life harder. Somehow my dreams seemed more and more unattainable, family turned into roommates, friends turned into acquaintances, all because I was striving for comfort. But that's exactly what God does! I've learned that everything that you hold on to, more than you hold onto God will disappear. Hold onto your money too tightly and you'll be without it pretty soon (recession), spend more time being in shape then spending with God you'll probably end up with an injury and forgetting morals or values while in a relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend instead of building a relationship with God...do I really need to finish?
And what do we all do when this happens? -Dear Lord, I have no money, my boyfriend broke up with me and I have a gnarly injury, life sucks, Lord change my circumstances...Am I right or am I right? Trust me I've prayed this way before and guess what? God knows what's going on in your life! He made your circumstances the way they are because he's a jealous God. He wants you all to himself! That's why he sent his only son to die for our sick sins! That's why we have to go through some crap but if we turn to God he always saves us!
So there it is, I'll get off my soapbox now. I didn't think this blog would be so therapeutic! I hope this is convicting, because it's convicting to me for sure! So please, stop complaining and look on the bright side. Life's a blessing! And if you have no clue what I'm talking about with this whole relationship with God then feel free to ask me any questions. God is God to everyone and only Father to some, I hope he's your father, friend, leader etc.
As for Bible Verses or chapters I already packed my bible! BUT Romans 12 is all about how to live IN the world and not OF it. LOVE IT! check it out for sure and let me know what you think :)