Monday, June 29, 2009

Hi my name is...hypocrite

I leave tomorrow morning, right now that is just about all I can think of. Leaving my comfortable bed that I lay on as I write this, my friends, family, pets. Everything will soon be long distance. I can't help but wonder if that's what holds people back. Holds them from pursuing their dreams and settling in a comfy place in life. It also makes me think of everything that is going to stay the same because of this comfort. These things stick out like a sore thumb when coming back after being gone. All the people who are still exactly the same, trying to back peddle as hard as they can to reach familiarity. I know, because I've done this same thing. 

I've settled in life way too many times to count. I have been blessed with so many amazing opportunities but I stayed where I was, idling, waiting to go back in time somehow to when life was easier. Letting God blessed opportunity pass me by only made life harder. Somehow my dreams seemed more and more unattainable, family turned into roommates, friends turned into acquaintances, all because I was striving for comfort. But that's exactly what God does! I've learned that everything that you hold on to, more than you hold onto God will disappear. Hold onto your money too tightly and you'll be without it pretty soon (recession), spend more time being in shape then spending with God you'll probably end up with an injury and forgetting morals or values while in a relationship with your boyfriend or girlfriend instead of building a relationship with I really need to finish? 

And what do we all do when this happens? -Dear Lord, I have no money, my boyfriend broke up with me and I have a gnarly injury, life sucks, Lord change my circumstances...Am I right or am I right? Trust me I've prayed this way before and guess what? God knows what's going on in your life! He made your circumstances the way they are because he's a jealous God. He wants you all to himself! That's why he sent his only son to die for our sick sins! That's why we have to go through some crap but if we turn to God he always saves us!  

So there it is, I'll get off my soapbox now. I didn't think this blog would be so therapeutic! I hope this is convicting, because it's convicting to me for sure! So please, stop complaining and look on the bright side. Life's a blessing! And if you have no clue what I'm talking about with this whole relationship with God then feel free to ask me any questions. God is God to everyone and only Father to some, I hope he's your father, friend, leader etc. 

As for Bible Verses or chapters I already packed my bible! BUT Romans 12 is all about how to live IN the world and not OF it. LOVE IT! check it out for sure and let me know what you think :)

Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Lesson From My Dog Tucker

Today I finally got the chance to do a post for this blog, mostly because it's raining and thunderstorms outside. Unfortunately, I'm stuck inside with not much to do. Yesterday, when it was the same way outside I decided to do my mom a favor and clean the house so I kicked the dogs outside for about an hour to get them out of the way. About 45 minutes into cleaning I noticed that my dog Tucker was back inside panting and pacing and drooling all over my clean floors because the thunder was scary for him. It didn't take me long to see that the screen from the open window was flapping in the wind. He had jumped through the screen!! I could not believe this coward of a dog! As I continued to clean (with Tucker busily looking for a place to hide) I pitied him but then remembered last week when I was feeling the same sort of fear in my life. 

I was scared of my move to L.A., leaving home again, worrying about making friends, etc. And not really being able to see the good in it. Even when I have been blessed so greatly all I could think about was how badly I wanted to just stay home, where it's safe. It's the same thing with Tucker, he was outside with 5 acres to run freely on and all he could think about was how badly he just wanted to be home, where he could hide away in the laundry room. 

In my time with God I feel most convicted by Mark 8:34-35."If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me and for the gospel will save it."
After all my time in prayer, going to school in L.A. is following God's will for me. Taking up my cross and following him. It's the only way, that I can see, to deny myself and walk with God. Even though this is one of the greatest blessings it is so far out of my comfort zone that I get really scared sometimes. But unlike Tucker I'm not planning on throwing a fit and jumping through a window screen anytime soon. Just enjoying the time I have while I'm here and thanking God greatly for the opportunity he has blessed me with. 

-God will never give you anything more than you can handle.

Inspirational Bible Chapters:
Matthew 5
Psalms 9